Monday, July 06, 2009

Moving With Difficulty

From Birthday040709

I share my birthday with American Independence Day so we had a party at Hendo Towers this weekend, which Ms T imbued with bunting, her best barbecue cooking and an American theme with the help of her US friends at Chowhound. A good time was seemingly had by all (see pictures) infact we spent the whole weekend BBQing as to the manner born.

We were lucky with the weather; not too hot but lovely anyway. We moan about our summer, but we're having a nice one this year. I think people got sick of the heat last week though and welcomed the cooler stuff this weekend.

I am 45 now, the foothills of old age. This was brought home to me when my back went after my swim and I spent the rest of the day crawling around in extreme pain. I'm eating painkillers like they're sweeties. Wondering what the problem is I rang the doctor shortly after nine this morning but a voice told me to ring back when they were less busy. I called back a bit later to be told by the receptionist that 'all the appointments were gone'. Could I book one? No, all those kind of appointments were gone too. But if I rang back tomorrow there might be one.
How much are we paying these people again?


TGRIFF said...

I found this via the Chowhound thread asking how to do "authentic" American BBQ. All the responses your friend received made my head hurt, as they were full of misdirection, but please tell her that based on the pictures posted in your photo album she did a wonderful job. She can see pictures on my site to compare to hers.

Happy late birthday.

TGRIFF said...

I found this via the Chowhound thread asking how to do "authentic" American BBQ. All the responses your friend received made my head hurt, as they were full of misdirection, but please tell her that based on the pictures posted in your photo album she did a wonderful job. She can see pictures on my site to compare to hers.

Happy late birthday.